J→E basics

「言う」「話す」の英単語 [整理4] ― claim + demand / require

[整理4] demand, claim, requireDEMAND, CLAIM, REQUIRE imply making an authoritative request. (DEMAND, CLAIM, REQUIREには、威圧的な要求をするというニュアンスがある。)To DEMAND is to ask in a bold, authoritative way: to demand an explanatio…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 [整理3] ― allege/state ; aver/hold

[整理3] 先日扱ったallege, stateに加えて、類語としてaver, holdを比較・研究。以下Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionaryより。MAINTAIN, ASSERT, AVER, ALLEGE, HOLD, STATE all mean to express an opinion, judgment, or position. (MAINTAIN, …

「言う」「話す」の英単語 [整理2] ― maintain/assert ; defend/vindicate/justify

[整理2] 先日扱ったmaintain, assertに加えて、類語としてdefend, vindicate, justifyを比較・研究。以下Merriam Webster Collegiateより。MAINTAIN, ASSERT, DEFEND, VINDICATE, JUSTIFY mean to uphold as true, right, just, or reasonable. (MAINTAIN, A…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 [整理1] ― assert/declare/affirm ; protest/avow

[整理1] 先日扱ったassert, declare, affirmに加えて、類語としてprotest, avowを比較・研究。以下Merriam Webster Collegiateより。ASSERT, DECLARE, AFFIRM, PROTEST, AVOW mean to state positively usually in anticipation of denial or objection. (AS…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 11 ― affirm

affirm:(証拠や信仰に基づいて)あくまでも真実であると確信して公に言明するIf you affirm that something is true or that something exists, you state firmly and publicly that it is true or exists. (FORMAL) ★ポイント★ 以下、Websterの用例より t…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 10 ― assert (2)

assert (つづき)If you assert your authority, you make it clear by your behaviour that you have authority. After the war, the army made an attempt to assert its authority in the south of the country. (戦後、軍は南部地域で管轄権を行使しよう…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 10 ― assert (1)

assert:通例(客観的証拠がないのに)個人的な確信から大胆に言明するIf someone asserts a fact or belief, they state it firmly. The defendants, who continue to assert their innocence, are expected to appeal. (被告人は無実を主張し続けており、上…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 9 ― maintain

maintain:強く自分の意見を主張。反論をものともせず主張し続けるというニュアンスIf you say that someone maintains that something is true, you mean that they have stated their opinion strongly but not everyone agrees with them or believes the…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 8 ― declare (2)

declare (つづき)If you declare something, you state officially and formally that it exists or is the case. ★ポイント★ to announce officially ; proclaim [公式に発表する] ; to declare a state of emergency (緊急事態を宣言する) ; to declare a …

「言う」「話す」の英単語 8 ― declare

declare:公的に(時に反対意見に対抗して)言明するIf you declare that something is true, you say that it is true in a firm, deliberate way. You can also declare an attitude or intention. (WRITTEN)・ ★ポイント★ 自由あるいは公的な言明であること…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 7 ― state

state:正式に、書面あるいは口頭ではっきりと伝えるIf you state something, you say or write it in a formal or definite way. (=declare) Clearly state your address and telephone number. (住所と電話番号を明確に述べなさい) (=declare) The police …

「言う」「話す」の英単語 6 ― argue (2)

If you argue with someone about something, you discuss it with them, with each of you giving your different opinions. They are arguing over foreign policy. (彼らは外交政策について議論している) ★ポイント★ argueは「節度ある議論」というニュア…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 6 ― argue (1)

argue:明確な理由を挙げて考えや意見を述べるIf you argue that something is true, you state it and give the reasons why you think it is true. His lawyers are arguing that he is unfit to stand trial. (弁護士集団は彼には責任能力がないと主張し…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 5 ― discuss

discuss:何かを決めるために話し合うIf people discuss something, they talk about it, often in order to reach a decision. I will be discussing the situation with colleagues tomorrow. (明日、同僚と現状について話し合うつもりだ) If you discuss …

「言う」「話す」の英単語 4 ― utter / communicate

utter:(考えや感情を伝えるために)音や言葉を発する If someone utters sounds or words, they say them. (LITERARY) They departed without uttering a word. (言葉も交わさずに別れた) communicate:考えや感情を相手が分かるように伝える If you commu…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 3 ― voice / express

voice:ある事柄に対する感想や感情を述べる If you voice something such as an opinion or an emotion, you say what you think or feel. (=express) Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans. (その病気が人…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 2 ― claim (2)

If someone claims a record, title, or prize, they gain or win it. (JOURNALISM) Steffi Graf claimed a fourth Wimbledon title in 1992. (シュテフィ・グラフは1992年にウィンブルドンで4度目のタイトルを獲得した) ★ポイント★ 「主張」のニュアンスが…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 2 ― claim (1)

claim:本人が一方的に正当性を主張する(読み手はそうでないと考えており、第三者が検証できない) If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the…

「言う」「話す」の英単語 1 ― allege

allege:証拠を示さずに伝える(悪事や違法行為など) If you allege that something bad is true, you say it but do not prove it. (FORMAL) The public official was alleged to be members of an illegal secret society. (その官僚は違法な秘密結社のメ…