「言う」「話す」の英単語 7 ― state


If you state something, you say or write it in a formal or definite way. (=declare)

  • Clearly state your address and telephone number. (住所と電話番号を明確に述べなさい) (=declare)
  • The police report stated that he was arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife. (警察の報告では、彼は妻を暴行した罪で逮捕されたことになっている) (=show)
  • “Our relationship is totally platonic,” she stated. (「私たちの関係は完全にプラトニックです」と彼女は言う) (=say)

率直で明快な言明を指すことが多い(STATE usually suggests a declaration that is forthright and unambiguous―Webster)
名詞修飾の形(stated)も形も頻出。at stated intervals:一定の間隔で