「言う」「話す」のボキャブラリー 19 ― suggest (2)

3. If you suggest that something is the case, you say something which you believe is the case.

★Websterの説明が秀逸。to bring before a person's mind indirectly or without plain expression(人の考えを間接的に伝えるか、はっきりとは表現しない)という説明の後、I didn't tell him to leave, I only suggested it.(帰れと言ったわけではない。ただほのめかしただけだ)という用例が記載されている。

4. If one thing suggests another, it implies it or makes you think that it might be the case . 

  • Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday. (当初の報告では、会合は日曜に行われることが示唆されていた)

★to call (something) up in the mind through association or natural connection of ideas (連想や思考の自然な繋がりを通じて何かを思い出させること):This music suggests a still night (この音楽は静かな夜を思い起こさせる)―Random House Webster