「思う」「考える」のボキャブラリー 8 ― presume (2)


2. If you say that someone presumes to do something, you mean that they do it even though they have no right to do it.

  • They're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs.


  • I wouldn't presume to question your judgement.


OALDでは"behave in a way that shows a lack of respect by doing something that you have no right to do"とあり、敬意を払わない行動に出るというニュアンスが示されています。

3. If an idea, theory, or plan presumes certain facts, it regards them as true so that they can be used as a basis for further ideas and theories.

★「〜を想定する」(assume)「〜を前提とする」(presuppose)という意味のpresumeです。OALDでは、to accept something as true or existing and to act on that basisと定義されています。

  • The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject.



  • A receipt for the premium on a policy presumes preceding payments. (証券面上の保険料領収証があれば、それ以前の保険料は支払い済みと見なされる―ランダムハウス英和)