「言う」「話す」の英単語 17 ― publish / [整理6] announce, proclaim, publish

If you publish information or an opinion, you make it known to the public by having it printed in a newspaper, magazine, or official document.

  • The demonstrators called on the government to publish a list of registered voters. (デモ隊は政府に対して登録有権者名簿を公表するよう要求した)

★call on A to〜は幅広く使える表現。

Websterでは、announce, proclaim, publishを以下のように整理しています。

ANNOUNCE, PROCLAIM, PUBLISH mean to communicate something in a formal or public way.

  • TO ANNOUNCE is to give out news, often of something expected in the future: to announce a lecture series. (ANNOUNCE=しばしば予測される内容について情報を提供すること)
  • TO PROCLAIM is to make a widespread and general announcement of something of public interest: to proclaim a holiday. (PROCLAIM=大衆の関心事について広く一般に公表すること)
  • TO PUBLISH is to make public in an official way, now esp. by printing: to publish a book. (PUBLISH=(特に印刷により)公開すること)

★now esp. by printingは時代がかった記述ですが、当然のようにインターネット経由による電子的な情報公開にも使えます。
In order to save on costs, the articles will be published electronically through the internet at the following address:
