「思う」「考える」のボキャブラリー 2 ― infer

If you infer that something is the case, you decide that it is true on the basis of information that you already have. (= deduce) 

  • I inferred from what she said that you have not been well. 


  • By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass. 


inferは「〜を示唆する」という意味で使われることもありますが、Random House Websterではこの用法について次のように説明しています。
INFER has been used to mean "to hint or suggest" since the 16th century by speakers and writers of unquestioned ability and eminence: The next speaker criticized the proposal, inferring that it was made solely to embarrass the government. (16世紀以降、紛れもない能力や名声を誇る話者や著者が「hint」や「suggest」の意味で使い始めた)
さらに、Despite its long history, many 20th-century usage guides condemn the use, maintaining that the proper word for the intended sense is IMPLY and that to use INFER is to lose a valuable distinction between the two words. とあり、INFERをIMPLYの代わりに使うことで、両者の違いが損なわれることになるため、両者の混同を批判する向きがあることを説明しています。

Collins Cobuildなどイギリス英語の学習者向け辞典でも同様の解説が見られるため、INFERとIMPLYを区別しておくことが推薦されます。